Tuesday, September 8, 2009


My friends at the bridge club have been asking why I haven't written anything in a while. One word answer - depression. I don't want to write a downer blog; I'd rather write funny stuff but not too much funny has been happening lately or maybe it has and I haven't noticed. I misplayed a makeable 6 NT hand last night and was feeling pretty down and crabby when really good player, Daniel, told me that my problem was a bad attitude. I gave him a nasty smart remark back, probably because he hit too close to home. Okay - maybe he has a point. Okay - he is definitely right. I need an attitude adjustment or, as another player suggested, Zoloft (antidepressant for you non medical types).

I'm not doing the medicate myself into oblivion thing so I need an alternative. I know; I can blame husband/partner! Um, maybe not. When I try to do that ( I know I shouldn't but do anyway), the really good players tell me he didn't do anything wrong; I did. I guess that's why he is beating me in the Ace of Clubs race. I figure that is the bridge God's revenge for my sin in blaming partner/husband.

You know what I really, really hate? TRAVELERS!! Partner/husband says I shouldn't look at them. It's hard not to when everyone discusses what others did before us. It's more difficult still when the previous tables made their 6 NTs and I didn't. I suppose I could take a bathroom break at the end of each board but then people would be telling me to get a bladder control medicine rather than Zoloft.

Partner/husband and I are playing with several people other than each other this week. That might be a good thing, unless he zooms farther ahead in the Ace of Clubs race. I've been really nice to him lately. Maybe the bridge Goddess will notice.

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