Okay - all of you know that I don't really write about serious bridge stuff so you have probably guessed that the above title is a bit misleading. The support I'm talking about is the care and love from the people in the bridge community which is at least double what I expected. I am scheduled to have a small procedure on my heart next Monday. I haven't written much in a while because it has been weighing on me and I haven't felt particularly funny. However, my bridge friends and foes alike cheer me up no matter what. Friend/partner Rebecca always knows exactly when to listen and what to say to help me put things into perspective. Biig Al says I'm too mean to die. Dementor Robert wants to schedule a game so I have to survive. Feared player, Tom, who always gives me grief both verbally and in the game, was unexpectedly sympathetic until I told him they only made a contract because his partner played it. That was the end of the sympathy. We were both kidding around....... I think.
What I am driving at, in this oblique manner, is that I cherish the bridge community and I feel truly fortunate to be accepted as part of it. Do I like every person who plays? Of course not. I don't like some, like some, and love others. I have discovered that despite the likes/dislikes, bridge divorces, bridge wars etc., when one of us hits a bump on the daily trail, fellow bridge players rally round, if only to express concern and kindness. What defines a community more than that?
Word has spread through the regulars that I have this thing scheduled and, even players I don't know well, are wishing me the best and saying prayers for me. I'm not much of a prayer girl but as they said in WWII, there are no atheists in foxholes, and this is a big, giant foxhole so, all prayers are gratefully accepted. I'm not counting on the bridge goddess to get me into heaven; not even the novice section. I think I'll go look for those burnt offerings again; put up the hummingbird feeder and hope for the best.
Medically speaking, I am a double whammy - I am a nurse, married to a doctor - the worst of all possible scenarios for things to go wrong. However, we are both retired so maybe that will mitigate the problem. I won't even talk about my notoriously bad luck at just about everything. Falling back on the "due to" theory - as in - the Spurs are "due to" win against Dallas tomorrow, I'm due to have some good luck after the two month masterpoint drought.
Thanks to all for your good words and thoughts. See you on the other side of this thing.
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