Friday, January 22, 2010

Husband/Partner's Bad Day

Husband/Partner has stolen Dementor Robert away from me.  They play together on occasion when I am otherwise occupied with other partners.  They had a bad day today with one shining bright spot.  Robert opened 2 clubs.  Partner/Husband had 2 jacks and a queen and, following their system, bid 2 hearts showing no ace or king.  The 2 hearts was doubled, presumably a lead directing double, and Robert passed.  Husband/partner didn't see the double card and passed.  He was in 2 Hearts with 2 Hearts in his hand and 2 in dummy.  He made the contract.  He tried to tell me how he did it.  Something about running the Ace, King, Queen in 2 other suits which happened to split well and then trumping something with the 2 in his hand and the ace on the board bringing in the eighth trick.  The traveler showed all other pairs in 3 NT going down one.

After hearing that story, I truly believe that in this game ANYTHING at all is possible.

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