After pestering Director Tom for some time, he finally asked husband/partner and I to attend one of his series of classes. People from his former classes drop "Tom says" at the table regularly and I wanted to hear what it is that Tom actually says. I find, so far, that he is often misquoted.
The thought that any bridge player can figure out where all the high cards are after the bidding and first lead comes down is mind boggling. He has proven in class that it is possible. Possible for him, anyway. I can see it all so clearly in class. I could get the same exact hand at the table though, and not figure out where the queen of clubs is. You may remember that it is almost always the queen of clubs that is the problem card. Okay, sometimes it's the king or queen of trump but, in my experience, I'd like to club the club queen for hiding out so often.
It's a work in progress but Tom is a great motivator for improving one's game. I'm waiting for the results of his deductive reasoning system to show improvements in my game. I wish I were a more patient person.