Husband/partner and 92 year old Bill have in depth baseball conversations about the Phillies and the Braves. One day, as I was walking into the club and holding the door for Bill he said, "I have a question to ask you." I replied loud enough for everyone inside to hear since Bill is a little deaf, "If it's about the Phillies, I can't help you." Laughter from the audience inside. "No", he said, "it's not about the Phillies. I need a partner on Monday and wondered if you were free".
The rumor around the club is that Bill plays only with women partners. These women were named "The Harem" by friend/partner Rebecca who is a member. Rebecca has been spending a lot of time recently doing grandmother duty so, out of desperation I think, Bill asked if I were available to play. I, of course, jumped at the chance. Even a substitute harem gig is better than no harem gig at all.
During the first game, one of the opponents noticed the new harem member and said to Bill, "I hear you have only women bridge partners." Bill said, "That just isn't true". The opponent said, "Okay - what guys do you have as partners?" Bill thought for a moment and then said, "I like only to have nice people as partners". What an interesting statement on so many levels.
Our first game wasn't great - in the 40s somewhere; very unlike Bill's usual 62 percent or so. The second time we played, he gave me a talk before the start of the game. He said, "I expect to score above 60 percent. I will accept in the 50s as an okay day. Any score in the 40s is a practice session." We had another practice session. Oh well. He said he will be free again sometime in July so, the sixties remain a hope.
Meanwhile, the very computer savvy Bill had written up all his helpful hints from his years of playing into a Word file. He printed it and gave me a folder full of golden wisdom. He is my shining example of everything a bridge player should be. I was and am honored to be a part of Bill's harem.
Welcome to the harem, Judy. Bill is the epitome of what is best in a bridge partner. He truly is an officer and a gentleman.