Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tricky Business

Husband/partner and I played in a bracketed Swiss with pickup partners at the July Regional here in San Antonio.  One nice lady with over 800 points was trying to help her friend get some gold toward her life master status.  We did quite well in two events and met them again at the Richardson Regional later on in the summer.  As we got to know each other better, the 800 pointer told the following story:
When she was just starting out, she had a male partner and was playing against two other males for three boards in a pairs game.  The opposing gentlemen and her partner gently reminded her when she turned her cards the wrong way after taking or losing a trick.  After the third or fourth time this happened, she said, "I guess I'm just not very good at turning tricks".  She turned red while telling me this story.  I can't imagine how red she was when the gentlemen at the table broke up laughing.