I'm not sure exactly what constitutes an infraction of the zero tolerance rule. If the opponent is slamming cards down on the table, is red in the face and as soon as the hand is over, starts yelling at his partner, is that a violation? If it is and I call the director, what do I say? Opponent is being mean to his partner? In my book, it's his partner's fault for playing with the abuser at all.
One day, after the abuser had left the table and was out of earshot, I said to abuser's partner, "I can refer your partner to some anger management classes". The gentleman said, "He needs it." I left it at that but, wanted to add, "Why do you allow someone to treat you like that?"
Why do people? Call me. I'll be your partner. I will be nice to you no matter how lousy our game. Actually, the lousy game is often my fault anyway so, this is no problem.