Thursday, May 20, 2010

Terms NOT of Endearment

After a nice game with an A player who has kindly consented to be your partner and you score a 59% game, you don't want to be asked:

"Isn't it great when you play up with those A players?  They really carry you." 

Your A player partner suggests that she is a little tired after the round.  You don't want to hear from another (B by the way) player:

"Playing with these C players is exhausting, isn't it?"

Your husband/partner makes a really terrible bid and puts you in an unmakeable contract.  You don't want to hear a lecture from the opposition toward husband/partner on how he should have bid. 

I"m just sayin'!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Directionally Challenged

Co North is what friend/partner Rebecca calls me when we play together.  We are both somewhat controlling and both of us are happy when we are in charge of things.  You would think that wouldn't make for a great partnership/friendship but it does.  I don't like keeping score so, when we play together,  Rebecca sits north.  I flip boards while she is scoring, deliver boards to the next table and check pair numbers.  It works for us and it started me thinking about where people usually sit.

West people are the types who say "Good try partner" when partner goes down 4 doubled and vulnerable.  They never argue with a director's call, say thanks when they leave the table and are the models of the zero tolerance policy.

They mysterious easts, on the other hand, are inscrutable.  They wear caps hiding faces which are expressionless.  They never hitch when the opposition bids the suit in which they have six cards.  They give away nothing and love trap passes.

Souths are as variable as southern weather;  sometimes hot; sometimes windy.  The ones who go on and on about the last hand leaving co norths to say "next board folks" sit south.  Director calls and arguments come from the south like a low pressure system building up or the south may be clear and sunny.  You just never know.

These, of course, are gross generalizations but the north in charge personality is a reality, at least in friend/partner Rebecca's case and in mine.  GO  co norths!

In other news, partner/husband and I made it over 200 points, grabbed all the silver we need in Austin last weekend and now are making a concerted effort to earn red and find a gold  mine.  Good luck with that, right?